Wednesday, June 24

Game Horizon Twitter Links

At the fantastic Game Horizon conference and thought I'd post a list of the speakers and people talking at the conference, if I've missed anyone then please let me know and I'll update it!

Paul Wedgwood - splashdamage
Martyn Brown - team17
Mark Morris - IVSoftware
Paul Farley - taggames
David Jones - realtimeworlds
Charles Cecil - CharlesCecil
Simon Seefeldt - OfficialJagex
Jamil Moledina - jmoledina
Chris Bergstresser - VectorCityRacer
Richard St. John - RichardStJohn
Steve Clayton - stevecla
Mark Rein - MarkRein

Helen Harrop - iamhelenharrop
Justin Souter - justingsouter
Michael Chitty - mikechitty
Nicholas Lovell - nicholaslovell
Steve Lee - essell2

And don't forget the live blogging by Jusin can be found on his blog.

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